Quotes Wisely Lacking Context

By Evil Dr. Reef on Dec. 9, 2014
  • Brian: I don’t like to lie.
    Derek: You’re full of it.
  • Brian: The only thing I’m good at is framing.
    Jim: So that’s why no one’s convicted you of murder.
  • Black Paladin: Get your balls out of my way.
  • Jim: I won’t interrupt the vagina, but…
  • Jim: There’s tapenade on me, isn’t there?
    Wildfire: Not anymore.
  • Jim: You can’t blame me. I never read Harry Potter.
    Wildfire: You still ambushed me outside the bathroom of a White Castle.
  • John: In my case, it was either boring or balls shrinkingly terrifying.
  • Jim: So who’s who?
    Wildfire: I’m the one in the skirt.
    Jim: And Nerdboy’s the one in the bondage gear.
    Black Paladin: So just like usual.
  • Lord Sigma: It’s pool. There’s always some element of goddamn it.
    John [shouts from basement]: Goddamn it!
  • Jim: no, because you sound like black Christopher Walken.
  • Dean: Nobody questioned her because she was British and had a knife.
  • Dean: Space called and said “shut up.”

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