Quotes Where America Looks Bad

By Evil Dr. Reef on Mar. 4, 2014
  • {{Marcus: So, you are marrying a miracle worker. You know that, right?
    {{Jim: So I’ve heard!
    {{Marcus: That or she is secretly murdering people for their tickets.
    {{Jim: That’s sort of like a miracle, right?
    {{Marcus: Murder: The Greatest Miracle.
  • {{Jim: Well, time for me to join in and help them squeeze some fresh democracy.
    {{Marcus: How dare you.
    {{Jim: Relax. It’s like Iraq democracy.
    {{Marcus: Oh, okay.
  • {{GX: My old hard drive will still see sufficient use.  This one would be for my Wii U.
    {{Jim: Yeah, but that’s like saying, “Oh sure, my wife will still cook and clean for me. My mistress is just there for sexytimes.”
    {{GX: No, that’s pretty much what it’s saying.
  • {{Jim: Okey dokey. What’s the core question, then?
    {{GX: Nothing. I’m arguing with someone in Youtube comments.
    {{GX: You know, an effective use of my time.
  • {{Jim: Those Ender Pearls aren’t gonna drop themselves.
    {{Joe Mack: Well… unless you go to The End and craft iron golems… then it FEELS like they drop themselves.
    {{Jim: Nah, that’s just the feeling of genocide .
    {{Joe Mack: Meh, it feels pretty similar.
    {{Jim: That’s exactly what the white men said when they came to this country! ^_^
    {{Joe Mack: Maybe thats what Minecraft is supposed to represent? The white man coming to a new land and stripping it of all of its natural resources and shaping it to that persons will because fuck you that’s why.

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