Quotes that Hone Sacrilege to a Fine Art

By Evil Dr. Reef on Feb. 17, 2014
  • Jim: You could play Minecraft later. No pressure.
    Whitney: That sounds suspiciously like pressure.
  • Super Dave: Dean, do you know what happiness is?
    Dean: No! I hate it!
  • {{Jim: You could. People would think a lot less of you, though.
    {{GX: Nobody could think less of me.
  • Ryan: you’re only as retarded as your slowest brain cell.
    Jim: Oh God, no!
  • Marcus: I can walk away proud because when I started the game I didn’t have a penis. But when I finished… [Marcus smiles]
  • {{Jim: And a harsh crowd keeps everyone honest.
    {{Jim: “Shit, boos? We’d better step it up!”
    {{Jim: Coincidentally, that’s what Mario says every time he and Luigi enter a ghost house.
  • {{Jim: At least I made everyone obey my Jesus.
    {{Marcus: All Praise James Jesus.
    {{Jim: Sounds like a cult. :3
    {{Marcus: The Congregation of the Quote Book.
    {{Jim: Now it sounds like a Satanic cult.
    {{Marcus: This book is filled with verbatim wisdom of the Gods.
  • Jim: You’re just way too nice, Joe.
    Joe Mack: You shut the fuck up.
  • {{GX: 10/2.5
    {{GX: Oops, you’re not a calculator.
    {{Jim: It’s 4.
    {{GX: It is.
  • {{GX: One Christian school and one county one closed.
    {{Jim: Pah. Christians.
    {{GX: I know. A little precipitation, and suddenly they start loading two of every animal into a boat.
  • {{GX: Yes, I should date more.
    {{Jim: Or less. However you want to interpret that.
    {{GX: Those people ain’t gonna hurt themselves.

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