Quotes That Are Really Just Stupid Jokes

By Evil Dr. Reef on May. 26, 2014
  • {{Joe: Unfortunately the second bedroom has the smallest TV in the house, clocking in at a meager 26 inches.
    {{Jim: What is this, 1066 AD during the Norman invasion of England!?
    {{Joe: What is this? The War of the Roses?!
  • {{Jim: I didn’t say it was. I was evoking imagery like any good poet laureate. It’s important at times like this to capture the memories and emotions of the situation. Also, I like to hear myself talk.
  • {{Joe: O_O
    {{Joe: She will stab me.
    {{Joe: Until I am dead.
    {{Jim: Hmm, stabbing’s bad enough, but stabbing until you’re DEAD…
  • Super Dave: Do a metal face.
    Dean: Describe a metal face.
    Jim: You know that one guy from GI Joe?
    Derek: Get out.
  • Dean: You can’t raise this roof cuz we ON it!
  • {{Jim: I don’t have to touch his junk, do I?
    {{Derek: No. You just have to force him to wear a dress.
    {{Jim: That I can do.
  • {{GX: GX’s favorite Spiderman villain is Man Spider.
    {{GX: The spider who was bitten by a radioactive man.
    {{GX: And therefore gained all the powers of a man, such as the ability to not climb walls easily, and a Man-Sense, which should not be described in detail.
  • Jim: I always thought it was funny that Blue Eyes White Dragon was Dark Magician’s nemesis when he could beat him every time.
    Derek: But Dark Magician is a person and is capable of out of the box thinking.
    Jim: Also he could just poke out his eyes with that staff.
    Derek: Then he’d be No Eyes White Dragon.
  • Marcus: As we know, a drunk Irishman is basically Italian.

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