Quotes from People I Haven’t Gotten to Talk to in Awhile

By Evil Dr. Reef on Jan. 8, 2014
  • {{Random: You have failed me for the last time.
    {{Jim: Oh, I find that VERY hard to believe.
    {{Random: You have failed me yet again.
    {{Jim: That’s more like it.
  • {{Jim: I bet you could scoop a lot of brains with a melon baller.
    {{Jenise: Probs.
  • {{Jenise: Good.
    {{Jenise: Very good.
    {{Jenise: Drink some more coffee, you have earned it.
  • [Playing liar’s dice]
    Super Dave: I think there are five ones.
    Dean: Five ones? You know what would be crazier than that? [long pause] Nothing, because that’s fucking insane!
  • Derek: Kitty, you can’t play poker. You don’t have opposable thumbs.
  • {{GX: I want to create a new medium:
    {{GX: Fan Non-Fiction.
    {{Jim: Isn’t that what a biography is?
    {{GX: Dang it.
  • Marcus: Is it Jesus?
    Jim: Marcus, this is Arabia!
    Marcus: Is it… Arabian Jesus?

Home Forums Quotes from People I Haven’t Gotten to Talk to in Awhile

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