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Home Forums Discussion > Audio, Video, and the Printed Word Doctor Who season 7/8 discussion

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Evil Dr. Reef 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #540

    Local Fox
    Lv. 10 | 795XP
    Team Spindash Lv. 5
    I can’t be the only one who wants to hear Reef’s thoughts on season 7 or season 8.
  • #542

    Evil Dr. Reef
    Completely Legitimate Doctor
    Lv. 60 | 19695XP
    Team Quotes Site Lv. 10
    You’ll be surprised to find that I haven’t actually watched the last five episodes of Doctor Who season 8, so I won’t be able to comment on the finale. I’m hoping to see some of those in the very near future. However, I can comment on what I thought of season 7 and the first half of 8.

    As far as the first half of season 7, I was pretty meh on most of it. There were a lot of interesting ideas, but I don’t think there was much good writing to be found. Amy and Rory were always very interesting characters, but either they overstayed their welcome or the writers were just sick of coming up with new ideas for them. Their exit was pretty lame as well, and I don’t think the writers did right by them.

    The second half of season 7 was substantially more interesting. There were some episodes with weird plot holes, but for the most part the writing was solid. Not only that, but there were some really interesting new ideas that I enjoyed seeing. Nightmare in Silver was one in particular I enjoyed, even though I assumed I’d hate it because I’m sick of the Cybermen.

    The specials were also pretty interesting. A lot of people didn’t like them because they’re not very bright people, so don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. The specials were a fun romp that, while depressing at times, were well worth being Matt Smith’s final story arc.

    So with Matt Smith’s Doctor dead, now we move on to Peter Capaldi. I have to say, I’ve really enjoyed him as a Doctor. He’s the kind of Doctor we haven’t seen since the 1960’s and 70’s, and to me that’s outstanding. From what I’ve seen so far, he’s slowly been less gruff as the season has progressed, and I think it’ll be fun to see how the finale plays in.

    I’ll probably make some sort of follow up once I’ve finished season 8, but feel free to comment on what I’ve said so far. There have been a lot of highs and lows in the last two seasons, but generally I’d say it’s stayed a quality program.

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