027 – The Pink Cross

By Geo "GX" Xenn on Apr. 25, 2013

“Do keep any witty blog post titles stashed away?” “No, fresh out of those.”

This one is an earlier script of mine, when I was rewatching the series for the sake of building ideas. We’re also back to Jet doing the art again, at least until I feel so compelled to make something again myself. I’ve got a six-hour car drive tomorrow, so it may come sooner than I think or hope.

Lordy, after last week, I wish I had the time and energy to say more, but it’s already 12:30 A.M., the comic’s basically late, and I’m having a hard time maintaining consciousness, so let’s pick this up next week. That way I can post a few fantastic comics that people did using last week’s template and show off pictures of cool, unusual merch now lining my walls.

Bonus Panel

I’m only capable of thinking in the context of Cards Against Humanity.

Home Forums 027 – The Pink Cross

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