025 – In the Key of Pink

By Geo "GX" Xenn on Apr. 10, 2013

The Pink Key, if you will.

Wait, this comic isn’t cynical or bizarrely disturbing, AND it uses a fan-loved background character! Man, I must be losing my edge

If you’re ever looking for trends in my pony humor, one is always going to be that they’re horses, and therefore horse rules apply to them. This comic is of that ilk, though I needed to avoid going with the strings breaking. In some branching reality somewhere, I put out a comic that involves intestines.

The style of this comic is actually based off of a Sonic the Hedgehog webcomic I never got very far with. It was called Sea Fox Run. I only made one of them. I still like the style though.

I know people have been sending me music, and I want to apologize since there’s several e-mails I haven’t been able to get back to yet (I still have every intention to reply to everyone). Between sending out an absurd number of job applications and going to three job fairs within the past month, I’ve had to put a lot of things on the backburner, including Project Listen-To-All-Music-On-EQD. However, I will make this joke now so that I don’t feel tempted to put it in a comic later down the line. At some point, I want to release a song and claim it’s a remix of a remix of an original song based on a stylistic interpretation of a fanfic about fan character ponies set in a parallel universe Equestria. It will be dubstep. In 2013.

Reader Vale has been awesome and additionally awesome in translating the comic into Italian. If you want to check it out, I’ve added links to the Archive page and will continue to update it periodically.

Also, here’s another thematically appropriate song. This one has an explicit word, but only one. It begins with F.

I don’t know why you say goodbye, I say cello,

Home Forums 025 – In the Key of Pink

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