- [Jim does really well in Formula D]
Ryan: He always does this. It’s because he’s Christian and God doesn’t hate him.
- Dean: Okay Mommy, bye. I love you. [Hangs up] Fucking cunt.
- Ryan: Goddamn it, stop Red Bullshitting me.
- Jim: Marcus. For the love. Of my God. Not necessarily your god.
- {{Jim: Is it John Romero? I know him.
{{Jim: Physically.
{{Jim: But that’s… another story.
{{GX: No.
{{GX: Well, everyone knows John Romero physically. Speaking of which, you may want to get yourself checked.
{{Jim: Dang it! I KNEW it! >_<
- Joe Mack: I enjoy my nakedness.
Ryan: A proud man. I like that.
- {{Random Guy: You are a gentleman, a scholar, and possibly an atoll.
- Krysty: If I really wanted to wreck you, I’d send you a pair of heels.
Jim: Ryan would rock a pair of heels.
Ryan: I would. It would do wonders for my ass.
- [Engine revs]
Ryan: Do you hear that? That car knows about the crisis in the Middle East and is not happy about it. It knows about civil unrest in Darfur and is having none of it.
- {{Jim: The winning answer was God and RoboCop.
{{GX: Coming soon to NBC.
{{GX: I’d watch it.
{{GX: “Look God, you gotta play by the rules! I got city hall chewin’ my ass cuz you smote a key witness!”
{{GX: “I don’t play by your rules. I play by mine.”
{{GX: “That’s it, hand in your badge! You’re off the case!”
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