Quotes That Are Kinda Disturbing

By Evil Dr. Reef on Feb. 8, 2013
  • Jim: Sometimes I wonder about you, Marcus.
    Marcus: You’re wasting your time, Jim.
  • {{GX: My lesson plans must be sexy because I just got a nosebleed.
  • {{Jim: No, GX and I just improvise conversations sometimes.
    {{GX: We feed off each other. One of us makes the statement, then the other replies, attempting to up the ante nonchalantly.
    {{GX: Effectively crafting fictional universes.
    {{Jim: At one point or another, one of us makes the “all in” of stupid comments (i.e. plastic buttons are Spanish) and finishes it of.
  • Jim: By the way, Marcus, if your mother happens to get pregnant… your dad’s the father.
  • Jim: Okay, the game is Two Card Stud.
    Marcus: That’s my old college nickname.

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