Trying Hard to be Better People Quotes

By Evil Dr. Reef on Jun. 27, 2015
  • {{GX: This isn’t a charity; this is war.
    {{Jim: Haven’t you ever heard of the SALVATION ARMY!? >:(
  • Super Dave: Big A, when I’m around you, I want to be a better person, but I don’t want to stop being a bad person.
  • Dean: American man says, “Get out of America.”
  • Derek: Jim gets to sit up front because he’s the least gay.
    Jim: Really?
  • Dean: Don’t tell them about how I got circumcised twice! I don’t want to talk about that!
    Derek: …More on that later.
  • Jim: You can tell the internet is awful when you look at the people who are on it. Look at me, for instance. I’m on it.
    Dean: Me too. Especially the places I go.
  • {{Marcus: Site went down?
    {{Jim: It looks like it.
    {{Marcus: Pissssssssss.
    {{Jim: You’ll never be able to show off now.
    {{Marcus: Pisssssssssssssssssss!
  • Derek: I have astigmatism.
    Dean: Well I have an extra chromosome, so you’re not the only special guy around here.

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