Quotes from the Hot, Hot Summer Months

By Evil Dr. Reef on Aug. 5, 2014


  • Derek: I like him, but he’s all anal about his…
    Jim: Sex?
    Derek: Ew, gross.
  • Jim: I’m glad we all find this so funny because I, uh, wanna go home.
  • Jim: Massive boners were had. Visible from space.
  • Dean: Jim, you should touch this.
    Jim: [sigh] Is it your wiener?
    Dean: No, it’s just this big hairy caterpillar in my crotch.
  • Jim: You’re just mad because I’m so much smarter than you.
    Dean: No, I’ve accepted that.
  • {{Jim: NUDITY =D
    {{Jim: Or rather, 8=====D
  • {{Jim: And sometimes even if you’re brave and consistent, fortune sets your car on fire in Korea.
    {{Marcus: Exactly. As written in the ancient papyrii.

Home Forums Quotes from the Hot, Hot Summer Months

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