Act 1: Stumble at the Starting Lineisode

By Geo "GX" Xenn on Apr. 26, 2009

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DOWNLOAD: Act 1: Stumble at the Starting Lineisode

The Spinash Got Through Act 1!

Welcome to the Spindash, your source for Sonic news, comics, toons, and everything blue, rapid, and spiky. Computery problems can’t stop us (unless it prevents us from uploading!) This week, hosts GX Echidna, Evil Dr. Reef, and Yuki introduce themselves and chat about Chao, the latest issues of Sonic and Sonic X, and a new Genesis collection announced for next year.

Home Forums Act 1: Stumble at the Starting Lineisode

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Evil Dr. Reef 4 years, 5 months ago.

  • Author
  • #758

    Lv. 1 | 40XP
    Team Never Shut Up Lv.
    I’m getting crazy nostalgic listening to all of these again. Amazing this podcast was created over 10 years ago.
  • #764

    Evil Dr. Reef
    Completely Legitimate Doctor
    Lv. 60 | 19695XP
    Team Quotes Site Lv. 10
    Yeah, I’m constantly surprised how long ago this whole thing started. It doesn’t FEEL that long.

    Yeah, I realize you posted this 8 months ago and probably won’t see it. :D

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