050 – Bovestrian Revolution: Part 1

By Geo "GX" Xenn on Apr. 26, 2014

Sour cream.

I am not lying when I say this whole arc began with that second to last line. It seems like a weird idea. Expect it to get weirder.

I hadn’t intended this to be comic #50. I wanted to do a big, dumb, meta “Thank You!” strip to Jet (our artist), Tofu (our artist), Reef (my good friend), Nux (our site director), Equestria Daily (our primary exposure strategy), and of course you (our audience). I even had a weird joke in there about CRT monitors. But alas, it was not meant to be.

To put it bluntly, I’m facing a rough patch in my life. Beyond lacking the time to maintain the comic as I once had, it appears I will be picking up and moving again, taking away my once free summer. I’m stressed as all get out, I’m in the middle of some medical tests, and my roughest month of work is still ahead of me. It’s not an ideal situation and just not conducive to me drawing comics. Writing comics I can still probably handle, but drawing them? Definitely not.

Thankfully, Tofu had prepared this arc over a month ago, and I think it’s time to bring it out. It’s going to last for a few weeks, so settle in. I hope you enjoy.

Hark, there shall be puns.

Home Forums 050 – Bovestrian Revolution: Part 1

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Geo “GX” Xenn 10 years, 10 months ago.

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